Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When My Enemies and My Foes Attack Me...

...they will stumble and fall. (Psalm 27-2)

How many Republicans, Independents or Democrats seated in the Congress or Senate RIGHT NOW are constitutionalists? Do you know? I think it is important that we ask and answer this question. And quickly. Pelosi knows. She is mobilizing her forces as we speak against the strongest constitutionalist incumbent we have. Will we back Michele Bachmann? Or will we turn out backs as the wolves descend upon her. And in turning our backs, what message would this send to other conservatives who might feel the moral obligation to speak out against the trampling of the United States Constitution, which has become the national sport of the Marxists in power as of late.

An expensive Democratic primary is brewing in Minnesota's 6th Congressional Dstrict, with two well-funded would-be challengers moving towards a showdown to take on Republican Michele Bachmann.

The party establishment favorite, state Sen. Tarryl Clark, announced Monday that she has raised in impressive $308,000 since declaring her candidacy July 28. The campaign will report just under $270,000 in the bank at the end of September.

Physician Maureen Reed, Clark's rival for the Democratic nomination, announced a $130,000 fundraising quarter. After taking in more than $200,000 in the second quarter, the former Independent Party lieutenant governor candidate has over $300,000 cash on hand.
More here.

Huffpo spreads lies about her, of course. They put up this video, and claim she is talking crazy about internment camps, so much so that even Glenn Beck is overwhelmed. What a crock. She held up and described the census document, and described how the census was used to round up Japanese-Americans during WWII. This is a historical FACT. Not hysteria.

Here is the video the left is up in arms about, from the June 25, 2009 Glenn Beck show.

The heat coming at her now is to the extent that she was asked on the Glenn Beck show on October 14, 2009 if she ever thinks she would be better off leaving Washington D.C. "Well sometimes you think that. But then I'd have to look at my five kids, our 23 foster kids that we raised, and realize I have to hand the baton of freedom off to them," said Bachmann. "I have to look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: Did I do everything I could possibly do to make sure our country stays free, under our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution." Our country has faced some dark days this year. And I remember on some of those days I heard a voice in the darkness. A woman's voice, speaking out words that I WISHED I would have heard from a CHORUS of politicians.

Here is the latest piece of trash smear video produced by the DNC against Michele Bachmann. They are pulling out all the stops in going after her. Frankly, I hear nothing too awful in it. She speaks her mind and calls attention to issues. She represents her constituents FAITHFULLY. She is willing to take the slings and arrows that come at her because of her bravery in taking a stand for America.

Shall we abandon her to be trampled under the Socialist;/Marxist/Soros machine? Turn away from the fight because one representative is small potatoes? This is not a small thing. If we the People cannot protect this brave woman, then I just don't know what this country will come to. Either we have the will to be free or we don't. Let's work double time so our kids don't grow up as government/socialist slaves. The left is mobilizing money and resources against her. Let's do what we can to help. This is her re-election website. She needs funds.

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