Monday, October 19, 2009

I May Need a Political Detox

Yes, I took a walk on the wild side and read some stories and comments over on the Daily Kos and Huffington Post. It happened quite innocently. I was over at Technorati, checking my authority (very confusing now, I'll say more about that later), when I looked at a box near the bottom of the Politics page, "Most Influential U.S. Politics Posts". I knew Technorati had a leftie-bent, so I was not surprised that almost all of the blogs listed in the box were leftist blogs.

But the post titles got my attention. "Why Joe Biden should resign" at the Huffington Post. Resign? I assumed they meant because he is either inept or can't control his mouth. No. They suggest he resign as protest because the war in Afghanistan keeps dragging on and should be stopped immediately. Biden should resign to show those generals who is boss. "And what principle could be more honorable than refusing to go along with a policy of unnecessarily risking American blood and treasure -- and America's national security? Now that would be a Whisky Tango Foxtrot moment for the McChrystal crowd-" Wow. These imbeciles really CAN'T see beyond the pacifist nose on their rose-colored-glasses-wearing faces.

The big story on the Daily Kos was "Harry Reid Abdicates His Leadership Role". The text of the story was what I expected. Frustration that Reid seems to be controlled by forces other than his constituents. Ha! You mean he's not listening to you liberal people either???? Double Ha! Hey, I've got a message for you. If you hire a whore, you need to be the richest guy in the room to get their attention. OK? Give Harry a LOT of money. THEN he will listen to you. Huh? You thought DemocRats were better than that? Think again, buddy.

The most horrifying story was again on the Huffington Post. It was a Jon Stewart clip about a gang rape at Halliburton. Turns out the 19-year-old girl signed some sort of contract that prevents her from filing a lawsuit about it. And Stewart Smalley's first piece of legislation is going to be a law to prevent these types of contracts. Some type of "Rape Escape Clause". The entire episode makes my head spin and I'm at a loss. I know I'm not getting the full story from Stewart, so what is the other side. It is hard not to come down on the side of a gang-rape victim, to be honest. Can somebody point me to a news story that explains this in a balanced manner? Until then we are stuck with Jon Stewart.

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Yeah. I need a detox. Badly. I think they got to me.

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