Thursday, October 1, 2009

Obama Admin Gives ACORN 1 Mill to Fight Fires

Despite the uproar over the pimp-friendly organization promoting teen prostitution, the Obama Administration gifted the pro-Obama community organization with $1 million grant earlier this month to fight fires(?)
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) reported this at Big Government:

Earlier this month and despite the public scrutiny over the voter fraud and felony criminal activity associated with ACORN, the Department of Homeland Security went ahead and granted $997,402 to ACORN under the FY 2008 Fire Prevention and Safety Program.

To most people, the timing and the amount of the grant would seem off base, but when you take into account the fact that DHS awarded ACORN–an organization with no clear expertise in fire safety and prevention–a fire prevention and safety grant, it’s just plain offensive.

With fire departments all over Louisiana – and the rest of the country – struggling to make ends meet and get the equipment and training they need to protect their local communities, the idea of a million dollar grant going to ACORN is unsettling, to say the least.

Hat Tip K. Solomon via Gateway Pundit.

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