Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why is Anti Semitism OK with the Susan G. Komen Foundation?

Atlas Shrugs: Susan G. Komen was Jewish. Her young body is rotting in an early grave while her foundation (founded by her sister) is supporting and glorifying Jewish hatred and the annihilation of Jews. Do you think she would, in her wildest imagination, have thought that her death would be used as a propaganda tool for Islamic jihad? Shame on these distressingly stupid tools.

Is it not ironic that the Susan G. Komen conference is sanctioning the Jew hatred in the Islamic world by holding a conference where no Jews are allowed? How disgusting. Every Jewish researcher, doctor, scientist and medical professional should pull their research from Komen's foundation.

Considering the fact that over 95% of the girls/women have had clitorectomies in Egypt, perhaps a Susan G. Komen Restore The Clitoris Foundation might do more good. They will continue with their Jew banned conference because they want "to end suffering". Well then, how 'bout a Susan G. Komen Stop Honorcide and Gender Apartheid Foundation? Asshats.

US ORG. HOSTS CANCER MEET, ISRAELIS NOT WELCOME by Maayana Miskin (hat tip Kenneth)
A United States-based organization's conference on breast cancer awareness, to be hosted in Egypt, has been touted by international news networks as an example of “unprecedented cooperation” in the region. However, according to Channel 2 news, the celebration of unity may be premature, as Israeli doctors were told at the last minute that their invitations to participate had been rescinded.

The conference will be held in Alexandria, Egypt this week, under the auspices of the American group Susan G. Komen for the Cure the world's largest breast cancer advocacy organization. It is to include meetings between leading researchers from the U.S. and several Mideast countries.

Israeli doctors were invited to the event as well, and several had planned to attend. However, on Sunday night, the doctors received brief notices telling them that they were no longer invited to the conference, by order of Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali.

The notices did not include an explanation of Gabali's decision. More here at Atlas Shrugs.

My buddies at the American Patriot Commission have something to say about it:

The American Patriot Commission hereby decrees the Susan G Komen foundation to have committed egregious behavior regarding its meeting(s) in Egypt. Although they profess to be a multi-cultural organization promoting the advancement of discovery and treatment of breast cancer, they buckled under Islamic pressure and disinvited Israeli doctors to the summit in Egypt...I have no doubt that the women whom this organization is named for would be appalled by this decision. Susan G. Komen was Jewish. This is a matter of money over ethics. Once again, the islamofascists control what is and is not presented and by whom. Shame on you Susan G Komen Foundation for allowing racism to continue under your watch.

You may recall that I am Jewish. I converted to Judaism in March 2002. But I honestly don't t think you have to be Jewish to know how wrong this is. I am reminded of the Tea Party sign. SILENCE = CONSENT. The Komen Foundation is consenting to the barring of Jews from their event. How DARE THEY! This is an affront to Susan J. Komen herself and women everywhere. I am saddened by their callous disregard of the maltreatment of the Jewish doctors, and also sad because this will cause a rift between many potential donors and what I had thought was a good charity.

The Anti Defamation League had this to say:

"We find this last minute exclusion of Israeli experts shocking and contrary to the stated purpose of these programs – to promote regional cooperation to highlight breast cancer awareness, research and best treatment practices – and inimical to the ideals and goals of your organization," wrote Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.

"We respectfully urge the leadership of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to make clear to Egyptian authorities, including the breast cancer program's patron, First Lady of Egypt, Suzanne Mubarak, that this exclusion of Israeli breast cancer researchers and activists is unacceptable and that this decision must be immediately reversed to enable them to participate in these programs."

I found these comments on israelforum.

Why do you think they haven't canceled the Egypt conference that banned Jews. Because of the jihad money. They a whoring for a petrol dollar.

To the anti-semites at the Susan Komen Foundation. Take Susan's name off the foundation, She would never allow her name to be associated with such hate and incitement to violence. You are vile. Remove her name.

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