Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rock your Senator!

We're Taking It To The Streets!
(R.O.C. Stands for Restore our Constitution)
Rocing every Senate Office in each State


And now..... For those that can.....Go to Washington DC as part of the ROCFEST and lets meet our Senators at their offices!

To Register for DC Click Here

This will not be a protest with signs....this will be specifically to meet at their offices with them or their staff to OPPOSE OBAMACARE. This bill is an outright infringement of the American People's Constitutional rights!

Time to ROC the Capitol!

Tell Me DC...CAN YOU HEAR US NOW???? Remember, WE SURROUND THEM...and on OCT 27th we hope tens of thousands will surround them in DC

To Contact your Senators Offices in DC Click Here and Look up their name and contact info. Call and schedule your meeting for Tuesday Oct 27th Late morning and/or afternoon or Wednesday the 28th. Coonect with others in your state group and see many can meet up as a group for your meeting!
Click Here for your Senator
Click Here for your Congressional Rep

Stop the ObamaScare Stealth Bill

On Tuesday the Senate Finance Committee passed the Baucus Health Care Bill to go to the Senate Floor. The Senate and House will work on merging their bills to produce a final bill to go to Obama for a final signature and approval enacting the bill into law. Word from the Hill is that this final bill would be approved prior to the Christmas least that is the desire of Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

To date we have focused our ROCFEST on calls, emails, and faxes. We will continue our Virtual Tea Party on Thursdays, however, in addition we are encouraging you to organize a OCTOBER ROCFEST Tea Party to converge on the local Senate offices in your state. Most Senators have multiple offices, so essentially this could occur at every office in the state for both of your Senators.

Add your ROCFEST TEA PARTY to the Events Tab:

Make sure you add your event to your State and District Groups, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, My Space, email contacts in your area, and all of your social networks! This needs to go viral!

The Most Important Event in our Nation's History

The signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, by our Founding Fathers is the singular most important and influential event in American history, establishing the many rights and freedoms “We the People” enjoy still today.

Sadly, that same Constitution is assaulted daily by elected officials—many of whom know little as to what it says. In fact, much of the current legislation on the floor at the House and Senate is a direct violation to these unalienable rights granted to us by God and carried out by our Founding Fathers!

In Honor of our Constitution, we launched our Virtual Tea Party to Restore our Constitution, or ROCFEST! and now We are taking it to the streets a Tea Party ROCFEST at Every Senate Office!

ROCFEST asks concerned Americans to make phone calls, fax, write, and email their elected lawmakers (and breakers) in both their D.C. and District offices EVERY THURSDAY starting today (9/17) through the Fall season.

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