The Obama-Milli Vanilli connection.
Hat Tip Reaganite Republican Resistance.
An Atlas reader, Chuck, has a student in the eleventh grade in an Ohio High School. Her government class passed out this propaganda recruiting paper so students could sign up as interns for Obama's Organizing for America (OFA is the former site.)
Obama is using our public school system to recruit for his Alinsky-inspired private army. Organizing for America is (and I quote) recruiting in our high schools to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda" ............of national socialism.
The Ohio High School is Perry Local in Massillon, Ohio.
This is incredible. And evil. Suffer the little children -- enlisted like SS youth. This is no accident. Obama is poisoning our public school system. He acts as if it's his own private breeding farm. Once again academic learning and achievement is hopelessly abandoned, and supplanted by radical leftist activism from the leftwing Alinsky indoctrinators in the perverse public school system.
Children must be advised to expose this ugly propaganda. Children must tell their parents how they are being used and manipulated. Parents, warn your kids. Better yet, home school.
Check out the recommended reading list page 4:
- Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky
- The New Organizers, Zack Exley
- Stir It Up: Lessons from Community Organizing and Advocacy, Rinku Sen
- Obama Field Organizers Plot a Miracle, Zack Exley, Huffington Post
- Dreams of My Father Chicago Chapters, Barack Hussein Obama
This internship program is geared towards the 2010 elections. Using our kids as their goons. Can you imagine if the Republicans attempted such a fascist stunt?
The problems that led to the last financial crisis have not yet been addressed, and in some cases have grown worse, says Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the trouble asset relief program, or TARP. The quarterly report to Congress was released Sunday.
The government's bailout of financial institutions deemed "too big to fail" has created a risk that the United States could face a worse fiscal meltdown in the future, an independent watchdog assigned to review the program told Congress on Sunday.
The Troubled Assets Relief Program, known as TARP, has not addressed the problems that led to the last crisis and in some case those problems have festered and are a bigger threat than before, warned Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general at the Treasury Department.
"Even if TARP saved our financial system from driving off a cliff back in 2008, absent meaningful reform, we are still driving on the same winding mountain road, but this time in a faster car," Barofsky wrote.
Barofsky wrote the $700 billion financial bailout has encouraged more risk-taking because bank executives, who are still receiving massive bonuses, figure the government will come to the rescue the next time they steer their ships nearly aground.
"The market mentality now seems fixed that the U.S. government will continue to step in and bail out giant financial institutions," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. "The IG's findings confirm my decision to oppose releasing $350 billion in TARP funds last year and my recent vote to terminate the program altogether."
I don't even know where to begin to describe my reaction to last night's SOTU (full text, video). Here's what he said, in a nutshell: Nothing has changed, I still don't get it, and I intend to carry on as before. The second he said that the American people are thinking, in response to all his spending, is "what's in it for me?" I knew, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that he doesn't get it. The question is not what can I get from the government, but what can we do for our country. The government is not the country; its job is not to provide for its citizens anything except opportunity, freedom, and protection. Patriots know this.Read more here.
When BO evokes the Constitution and/or American values, he will, in his next breath, undermine the Constitution and/or American values. He does this in almost every speech (this is one reason that I recommend reading the text of his speeches rather than watching him read them from the phalanx of teleprompters--though, to be honest, he's not as "magical" or "inspiring" as he once was, so it's becoming less important to read the words). He began his speech last night like any good high school student: he placed the speech itself in a historic (and constitutional) context. He then went on not to talk about the state of the union but of the state of his own crumbling presidency and what else he's going to do to destroy our constitutional republic.
When BO talks about solutions, they are always (and I mean always) ways to grow government, ways to empower government. Empowering the government means restricting the individual, the people. It can mean nothing else. When BO talks about "what is right," it is always about what the government thinks is right, what the government will impose on the people, regardless of what we want or of our constitutional freedoms. Clearly out of his mind, BO intends to plow ahead with his radical progressive agenda while mindfully ignoring the will of the people (we don't fit in his vision of a "fundamentally transformed" America). Sure, he made some suggestions that might be considered conservative. If you don't think about them, that is. If you think about them, the only conclusion to draw is that he is working his butt off to socialize and nationalize everything. Everything.
The beautiful woman on the left is a tweep that goes by @KamaainaInOC and she coordinated about six twitter people to come to Bachmann's reception.
30 percent of people in California identify with the Tea Party movement.
She asked Geitner and Bernanke where in the constitution where they had the authority to nationalize corporations. They never answered. The Constitution is not an optional document!
Last year, Joe Wilson- YOU LIE! This year- Justice Alito- NOT TRUE! Do you see a pattern here?
She is not shy about using the word socialism. Since bailout nation, starting under a Republican admin, fully 30 percent of our national economy is under control of government. Prior to bailouts, it was zero percent.
This will lead to currency devaluation. This is from government stealing from the people. This is what led to the revolutionary war.
"Not with my country you don't! This is my country, my freedom and my constitution!"
Bachmann herself is under attack by Pelosi and leftist pundits but WHO CARES! Pelosi sold 2700 copies of her book. Then she canceled her book tour!
Last night the community board of lower Manhattan voted 42 to zero against holding the KSM trial there. Mayor Bloomberg blinked and said maybe we shouldn't hold the trial in New York.
Congress muscled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that fully one half of their loans MUST be subprime loans. Now what do you think the outcome will be.
Now some of the same architects of that program want us to grow government. The stimulus bill is growing only government. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd had a hand in the home loan crisis.
Justice Alito responded to Barack Obama tonight by mouthing “Not True” when the president attacked the Supreme Court for defending the First Amendment.
The cameras caught this “You Lie” moment tonight:
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
The Senate opened debate Wednesday on a plan to raise the nation's debt limit by $1.9 trillion, a move that Democrats hope will see the Treasury through this fall's congressional elections.The record increase would raise the Treasury's legal ceiling for borrowing to $14.3 trillion -- about the size of the nation's overall economy.More here.
Republican commission advocates remain skeptical that a presidentially appointed panel would have the clout to tackle the nation's toughest fiscal problems. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), a sponsor with Conrad of legislation to create a budget commission by law, called a presidentially appointed panel "a fraud" designed to do little more than give Democrats political cover.More here.
"It's a fraud among anyone interested in fiscal responsibility to claim an executive order could structure something that would actually lead to action," Gregg said.
Some Democrats, particularly in the House, where leaders have long resisted relinquishing their authority over taxes and spending, are also less than optimistic. Under the agreement, the commission would have 18 members, including six lawmakers appointed by congressional Democrats and six lawmakers appointed by congressional Republicans. Obama would appoint six others, only four of whom could be Democrats.
Fourteen commission members would have to agree on any deficit-reduction plan, a prospect that skeptics called a recipe for gridlock because action would depend on the support of at least two Republicans for a plan that is sure to include tax increases.
For the sake of argument, the failure to extend the debt will mean that the US Treasury will default on its debt for the first time in history, causing the absolute collapse of the US dollar as an international standard currency, and sparking an undoubted fire sale of US Dollars on the foreign market bankrupting the Nation overnight.
I argue that this is not such a bad thing.
The US has REAL WEALTH right beneath our feat. Our natural reserves, forests, ore, etc are the foundation that made this nation prosperous - throw in a little good old fashioned ingenuity and you have more than you will ever need at your fingertips. The concept of passing debt on to future generations is in direct contradiction to the ideals of George Washington et Al. We should draw our nets up around our real wealth, minimize government while maximizing individual success and prosperity, and get this nation back on track as the torch bearer for liberty.
We definitely are drunk on borrowed money.
I am worried that going cold turkey would injure us badly. Is there a short program of detox that everybody could agree to?
Obama’s plan to buy an Illinois state prison for use as a detention facility and site for military trials of some Guantanamo prisoners will require Congress to appropriate $150 million or more. White House officials have also said they want Congress to change current law so that some prisoners could be brought to the U.S. for indefinite detention without trial, if necessary.
Some analysts said that even before Brown’s victory Obama needed the equivalent of a triple-bank-shot to get Congress to agree to such moves. Now, they said, it could be all but impossible.
Democrats are in deep, deep trouble…because they allowed the party to be taken over by radical Alinsky socialists and America has realized exactly who’s in the White House and what the people around him are up to.
What happened to Martha Coakley is going to happen to Evan Bayh, Barbara Boxer, Blanche Lincoln, and every other fool Democrat unless they start focusing on job creation and abandon all attempts to inflict socialism or any part of Dr. Utopia’s personal agenda upon this nation.
They need to stop spending.
They need to forget about telling Americans what they have to buy.
They need to stop apologizing for America’s exceptionalism and parading around the world as effete, bowing “global citizens”.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Mass Backwards | |||| | ||||
All the many tea partiers here on Twitter wanted to send you one final “shout-out” before the big election in Massachusetts on Tuesday.
AND we wanted to share with you the results of our little tweeting campaign we’ve been conducting over the past week.
As you know, we’ve been tweeting articles and You Tube videos to both the National and Massachusetts media throughout the past week. Our tweets were to Newspapers, TV and Radio.
BOY OH BOY, were people interested in what we had to say!
• Over 100,000 tweets were sent;
• Over 20,000 people viewed the articles and videos we sent out;
• One national and several Massachusetts news organizations told us they would be investigating both of your organization’s activities on election day;
• Nearly 3000 people have told us they’d be bringing video cameras to polling places just to video you and yours “having election day fun.” (You wouldn’t beleive where people told us they’d be hiding cameras!)
Maybe the Dems are waking up to the toxic politics of their health deform (H/T Erickson) and WaPo linked to above is reporting the Dems working feverishly to cut some kind of deal that gets 218 and 60 to try and get it off the front page.
It is beyond bizarre and illustrative of the fact THEY DON’T GET IT that they think passing something the public hates will make them hate it, and the Dems, less.
Reconciliation would keep health care on the front pages (again) for months — because the Dems would have to start over at the Committee level. Oh boy, BIG FUN. It would be like crawling over glass for the Dems (uh, more light bulbs please — they are so FUN break.)
(For the record, yes, I still think — as I have since Obama was elected — that ObamaCare will not pass, and that no health care reform will pass this Congress. I am still annoyed every time I hear — something will pass. I’m at Nyet it won’t — regardless of the outcome of the Scott race.)
First, the Dem members would revolt — er, whine a lot (since they have proven they don’t revolt) if any move was made to pass health care via reconciliation.
But, the political consultant class — those responsible for re-electing and electing Dems would revolt — President Obama’s Captain Ahab routine with the health-care-white-whale notwithstanding.
In a nutshell, reconciliation ain’t gonna happen. Van Hollen is a smart guy, but he’s bluffing.
Purple-Shirted SEIU Members for Scott Brown: Photo Credit: David Toppen's Facebook Page More after the break |
This is actually great timing. Coakley, the MA Attorney General, has now 1) committed copyright infringement on UPS’s slogan, and 2) slandered Brown about rape victims, and 3) accepted illegal assistance from SEIU who used state resources to campaign for her. All of this stuff hits the fan on Saturday… and you know who is coming to town tomorrow. How is Obama going to get up there on stage with an Attorney General who just committed THREE CRIMES and endorse her for Senate? He’ll do it… and flush any remaining credibility down the toilet.
The plates are Pennsylvania. I also saw another car the same day on Long Island with stickers that said "Don't blame me. I voted for Palin."
Countless requests have come from people wanting to help. The best way to do that is to make a donation to the American Red Cross International Response Fund at or by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS. Donors can designate their gifts to Haiti relief. Donations to the International Response Fund allows the American Red Cross to respond to global emergencies and disasters.
In addition, several hundred thousand people have chosen to make a mobile donation. Donors can text "Haiti" to 90999 on their cell phone to send a $10 donation to support Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. The mobile giving effort raised more than $3 million by Thursday morning, and all money raised goes to support Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti.