Monday, August 31, 2009

Ramadan White House Dinner

Blaming The Eeeeevil Booooooooooosh for his problems ?

No....... really ?

I'd have thought better of a POTUS who doesn't go to church, did not attend the National Day Of Prayer, stopped all military fly-overs at Christian memorial events (most notably the most recent God And Country Festival) and........

.......uh oh.......

...... is hosting a Ramadan celebration dinner tomorrow evening at The White House........


A noteworthy update to President Obama's light schedule this week, considering the rumors about his religion that lingered throughout the 2008 campaign.

From the White House guidance for Tuesday:

In the evening, the President will host a dinner celebrating Ramadan and highlight the contributions of American Muslims in the State Dining Room. The President's remarks will be pooled press.

Kenny Solomon
Locked and loaded, safeties off.

I saw this comment today and I came back to look at it again. I followed the link. Does Obama seeming to favor Islam over other religions strike any of you as odd? Or is it just me.

Sweden: legislate equality between genders-Left Party

The Left Party wants to abolish the childcare allowance (vårdnadsbidrag), the equality bonus (jämställdhetsbonus), and tax deductions for household services. The childcare allowance is currently paid to parents who remain out of the labour market to care for their children, while the equality bonus is paid to couples who equally split parental leave between both the mother and father.

The Left Party would also consider legislation to ensure the right to full-time employment.

More women than men work part-time, as well as take up fixed-term employment. The Left Party therefore believes that women would benefit if more people had the right to work full-time as well as had access to permanent employment.

The Left Party would achieve this by making employers fees for fixed-term (visstidsanställning) employment higher than those for permanent employment (tillsvidareanställning).

The party is also prepared to enact legislation to ensure the right to full-time employment if the social partners are unable to reach agreement, according to Left Party members Ulla Andersson and Josefin Brink in a report outlining the party’s gender equality policies.

There are too few men who take advantage of paternity leave, Andersson and Brink said. Parental leave should therefore be individual, so that each parent may take half, which may not be transferred to the other parent.

The Left Party would also seek to re-establish the position of a dedicated gender equality minister, as well as abolish the childcare allowance, which is described as a “direct anti-feminist reform that encourages women to stay at home and be supported by their husbands.”

In addition, the party would abolish tax deductions for home services, the so-called “maid deduction” (pigavdraget).

Doncha just love that SOCIALISM!

The Ant and the Grasshopper, updated

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well-fed while others are cold and starving.

The MSM show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not Easy Being Green.' Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant 's house where the news stations' film the group singing, "We shall overcome." Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper. Both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow. On the TV, which the grasshopper bought by selling most of the ant's food, Nancy and Harry stand before a wildly applauding group of liberals announcing that a new era of "Fairness" has dawned in America.

And the moral of this updated fable? Stop the madness. Stop big government. Vote for conservative candidates in 2010.

Jim Quinn, conservative co-host of the Quinn & Rose radio show, wrote an updated version of the ant and the grasshopper 15 years ago. An unknown admirer of Jim's put a spin for 2009 on that version of the fable.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

CIA prosecution--a lawyer's perspective

Article by Richard Goolsby, a Georgia attorney and former federal prosecutor.

In my opinion, Mr. Holder’s decision raises serious criminal law and Constitutional issues about the prospect of DOJ attorneys prosecuting CIA agents who were apparently following interrogation guidelines previously approved by other DOJ attorneys.

As a former federal prosecutor, (and currently, as a criminal defense attorney), I believe the Attorney General’s decision to open this new investigation, and any prosecutions that might follow, are also a colossal waste of government resources. Moreover, they are just plain wrong! No one should condone torture, but, in my opinion, unless the CIA agents engaged in a pattern of serious abuses beyond what has been publicized, no jury in this country will ever convict them. As I have indicated before in this blog, the government must prove criminal intent in any criminal case. But if these agents were following approved guidelines, they had no criminal intent. The CIA agents just did their jobs and, in the process, thankfully, saved innocent American lives.

And thankfully, at least CIA Director Leon Panetta is reportedly defending his agents. But this new investigation also raises other serious issues. In spite of Panetta’s support, how will the prospect of political witch hunts and prosecutions affect CIA agent morale? What will be its impact on future interrogations of captured terrorists? What has happened to the “war on terror?” And why have some government bureaucrats already forgotten about 9-11?

And can anybody remember how the terrorists beheaded Daniel Pearl?

Obama's Outrageous Political Act--Cheney

Enhanced interrogation techniques kept us safe from terrorists for 8 years and saved thousands of American lives. It is wrong to prosecute the defenders of our people, when they stayed within the boundaries set up by our government and justice department.

Republicans have a Plan

Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) discusses the Republican plan for health care reform. Do not allow anybody to claim that Republicans do not have a plan. It is all right here. These are the same ideas my Republican representative, Gary Miller, discussed at our local Town Hall this past week. H/T Splash in the Pacific.

PROGRAMS! Can't tell the Czars without a PROGRAM!

Here is a quick review of the 3 dozen czars appointed by Barack Obama in his first 8 months as president.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Night Love Letters

Hello my fellow bloggers. I want to send oodles of appreciation to you for all that you do. Truly, this awakening of Patriotic American Spirit, as shown at Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings can be laid in large part at your doorstep. WELL DONE!!!

Here are some examples of fine blogging that I have seen around the internet recently:

Nickie Goomba at Goomba News Network lets us know he is off to Sacramento for today's Tea Party Patriot's March on Sacramento. This event is of special note because it kicks off the cross-country tour of the Tea Party Express, a 7000 mile bus journey of patriots en route to Washington D.C. for the massive march there on September 12, 2009. Be sure and read as many of Nickie's other posts as you can. He writes in satire, mostly, and will have you ROFLMAO, also known as rolling on the floor injuring some part of your body, as you read his material. First rate blog.

M Conservative Operative runs the Officer Meeks video, and points out that the MSM is silent once more. Sigh. Journalism is dead, one of her commenters opines.

Just A Conservative Girl blogged about her own real life adventure attending her latest town hall meeting. Don't underestimate this girl. Her local reps are beginning to recognize her on sight.

Cbullit at Soylent Green also writes about the Meeks story, but embellishes the offending poster in a nicely creative way. And he also creates a Race Card. This is a new form of identification that can be used at some check out counters.

CI-Roller Dude wrote about how useless California gun control laws are. He is a CA peace officer, so he should know. "When you look at the states that have laws that allow good citizens the "right to carry," they have lower incidents of assault and other felonies. A... bad guy is afraid to attack somebody who he thinks might shoot him. Remember, they're cowards."

Bungalow Bill at Bungalow Bill's Conservative Wisdom writes that Obama's internet power grab S733 will hurt the economy in a major way, if Obama declares an emergency and shuts down the internet. Much commerce and banking will stop.

LL at Virtual Mirage reminds us that Government never makes anything more efficient and never saves money. Government health care is health care with IRS compassion and Post Office efficiency.

Gateway Pundit pointed out that waterboarding not only worked, it was a great success. Gateway Pundit is a source of late breaking news and has many intelligent and dedicated commenters.

There are some bloggers out there, who are doing a wonderful job in the "fray". Notably, Teresamerica, The Conservative Lady, Amusing Bunni, and Soloman,

And please click on any tempting headlines you read on the blogrolls to the left side. I update the blogrolls regularly, and these are all top bloggers. You won't be disappointed.

Czarist Insanity in America part 2--Bill Turner

Because we want to know our czars. Here are some more leaders of our shadow government.

The Boss, Bruce Springsteen sings:

Everybody's got a secret, Sonny,
Something that they just can't face,
Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it,
They carry it with them every step that they take.
Till some day they just cut it loose
Cut it loose or let it drag 'em down,
Where no one asks any questions,
or looks too long in your face,
In the darkness on the edge of town.

America has a darkness, a darkness on the edge of our liberties and that darkness now operates out of Washington DC, the White House specifically. President B. Hussein Obama has the darkness of the czars wrapped around him as if they were the shrouds of war, the war upon America. As Americans we are obligated to take a very close look at the minions B. Hussein Obama surrounds himself with and then determine if Dear Leader is committing crimes against America and is in violation of his oath of office, to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Housing Czar, Adolfo Carrion Jr. is a former Bronx Borough President and now he is the Housing and Urban Development Czar. He also sits on the New York City Off Site Betting, Site Selection Committee. He is a former President of a race based group that helped people become permanent resident aliens. Adolfo was integral in helping the Yankees build a new stadium in New York, using public funds. He is also in favor of taxing drivers who use their cars to get to work, “Carrion is the most vocal outer-borough supporter of Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan which would charge drivers a fee to enter Manhattan between the hours of 8am and 6pm in an effort to reduce congestion and minimize the City’s air pollution”. I do not see anything in his career that would warrant such a position in the White House, unless of course you give extra weight to his desire to tax people for driving to work.

Alan Bersin is the Border Czar. In preparation for this important position, Alan was the Secretary of Education for California, where he saw first hand what happens when you say, “Red rover, red rover, send all your illegal’s on over”. Given Dear Leaders desire to give amnesty to all the criminals who are in America illegally, I guess Mr. Bersin doesn’t really need to know anything about border security. I’m sure he has a pulse and is taking up space.

Michael Taylor the Food Safety Czar seems to have upset the left. So far, so good. But, I have to admit I am torn on this one. Mr. Taylor is a former Monsanto executive who helped draft the Food Safety Bill, which has upset the left. The bill will do away with hippie created farmers markets wherein they sell “organic foods” they grew and “organic soap” they apparently do not use. So far, so good. Two pluses for Mr. Taylor. But, there is this:

According to Gunny G Online: "This astounding control will include the elimination of organic farming by eliminating manure, mandating GMO animal feed, imposing animal drugs, and ordering applications of petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides. Farmers, thus, will be locked not only into the industrialization of once normal and organic farms but into the forced purchase of industry's products."

HR 2749 creates severe criminal and civil penalties, including prison terms of up to 10 years and/or fines of up to $100,000 for each violation. Does it include judicial review, Congressional oversight, a defined and limited set of penalties and punishments for a defined set of "crimes"? Not even. The so called Food Safety Bill hands carte blanch enforcement to the whims of Obama's Food Czar.

Although I am in favor of fining hippies and putting them jail, it just isn’t practical, as it violates their liberties and if it violates their liberties, it poses a threat to mine. Herein is where we see the fatal flaw with Mr. Taylor, he has no regard for individual liberty.

The office of Technology Czar is held by Aneesh Chopra. Chopra was Managing Director for the Advisory Board Company, a health care think tank for hospitals and health systems. While there, he led the firm’s Financial Leadership Council and the Working Council for Health Plan Executives. Well, I guess Chopra is here for his health care work, not his computer skills. Lets face it, he headed technology for the State of Virginia, not a pre-cursor for his current position as czar, unless you throw in the health care piece.

Arne Duncan, the Education Czar developed his skills for this position by, uh, um, being the CEO of Chicago Public Schools. Arne was raised in Hyde Park, home of Bill Ayers, B. Hussein Obama and Louis Farrakhan. Draw your own conclusions. Aside from playing basketball in Australia, living in Dear Leaders hood, and giving Obama someone to shoot hoops with, there seems to be no real qualifications for the position of Education Czar. Chicago connections, keep you connected. Welcome to the machine.

The Latin America Czar is Arturo Valenzuela. Aside from being a leftist from Chile, working for Walter Mondale, and serving under Bill Clinton handling foreign policy for Mexico, why is he here? Aside from the exportation of illegal immigrants & drugs, I didn’t know Mexico had a foreign policy.

Ashton Carter is the Weapons Czar. Aside from being the head of the ATF, this has got to be the coolest job in the presidents administration. His time spent in the Clinton administration included the agreement freezing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. We all know how well that worked. Cough. Ashton was also a consultant at Goldman Sachs, an interesting place for someone who specializes in weapons and nuclear weapons.

Cameron Davis is the Great Lakes Czar. I could not figure out why the Great Lakes, the not so great lakes, or any other lakes needed a czar, then it hit me, this knucklehead must be from Chicago. So, I started looking and guess what? He is. The Great Lakes Czar is responsible for cleaning up the Great Lakes (never mind the rest of them, Obama doesn’t live near there). Cameron Davis is President of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, an environmental group wanting to spend $20 billion dollars of tax payer money to clean up the great lakes. While we are spending all this money to clean up the American side of the Great Lakes, what is Canada doing to clean up their side? Letting the wind carry their trash into Chicago.

Carol Browner, Energy Czar/Climate Change Czar, is a Clinton legacy, serving under Bill for two terms. She worked hard to create a ban on offshore drilling in Florida, so I am guessing “drill here/drill now” is not part of the energy plan. Given what people say about her, "She kicks the door open, throws in a hand grenade, and then walks in to shoot who's left. She really doesn't like to compromise”, she should fit right in with Dear Leader, the Emmanuel’s and Axelrod. Algore is described as her most important ally. Swell. Not that she would be the first one in the Obama cabinet to have ethics issues but, she is on the board of directors for APX, Inc., which specializes in technology infrastructure for the environmental commodities markets, including those for carbon offsets. Aside from having her hand in “carbon offsets” she continues to say that “global warming is the biggest challenge ever faced”.

Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein appears to be one of B. Hussein Obama’s most controversial appointees, not just because he appears to be a taco shy of the combo plate, but because, well, because he does appear to be a taco shy of the combo plate. Sunstein is a visiting professor at the University of Chicago. Shock. Cass advocates the Second Bill of Rights, as presented by FDR. Among these rights are a right to an education, a right to a home, a right to health care, and a right to protection against monopolies; Sunstein argues that the Second Bill of Rights has had a large international impact and should be revived in the United States. He also argues that the internet weakens democracy because it allows people to obtain information outside what is fed to them. He is also an advocate of and author of a book about “nudge”, wherein he states that policies should not be radically changed, just nudged in the direction of the cause, until they are nudged to where the left wants them to be. Sunstein also was openly and actively opposed to the impeachment of Bill Clinton. He wrote a book, “Animal Rights“, in which he argued that attorneys should be permitted to sue for violations of existing animal protection laws, naming the animals as plaintiffs. Yes, he thinks your dog should have an attorney and if the cat feels like she is not getting equal representation, she gets one too. Cass wants to limit free speech and there is no liberty without dependency upon the government is his creed. This is the man in charge of regulations. He is the poster child for why White House Czars should be vetted by Congress.

GITMO Closure Czar Daniel Fried has a mandate, from B. Hussein Obama, to persuade European countries as well as Yemen to take back some of the 240 or so long-held prisoners at GITMO. We are at war and his job is to release enemy combatants to go back to the battlefield to kill US troops. He is opposed to recognizing Armenian genocide, kind of like denying the holocaust happened, but different.

Water Czar, David Hayes, aside from working on the Kerry campaign, an almost unforgivable act, has an annual budget of over $16 billion dollars. Unlike Cass, this guy looks relatively normal for a progressive. Wow.

Admiral Dennis Blair serves as the Intelligence Czar. Given the fact he has not arrested or filed charges against all of the oath breakers in the White House, one can assume he has no intention of honoring his oath either. Blair disobeyed orders from civilians in the Clinton Administration during the 1999 East Timorese crisis during his tenure as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Command. Amid growing international concern over violence against the independence movement in Indonesian-occupied East Timor, Blair was ordered to meet with General Wiranto, the commander of the Indonesian military, and to tell him to shut down the pro-Indonesia militia, instead he presented Wiranto with an offer of military assistance and a personal invitation to be Blair's guest in Hawaii.[6] Consequently, Wiranto’s forces increased the Timor killings. A rogue Intelligence Czar could be fun….or a whole lot of trouble. Not to be outdone by the tax cheats in the obama administration, Blair sits on the board of directors for the company that makes the F22 Raptor and is a shareholder as well. While still a skipper in the Navy, Blair attempted to water ski behind his destroyer.

Mid East Policy Czar Dennis Ross is disliked by the Palestinians because he is Jewish and not liked by Israel because they say he is self hating. I guess B. Hussein Obama didn’t think the Mid-East had enough excitement.

Douglas Lute, Czar of War was put in place by President Bush and president obama had the sense to keep him in place. He is still a czar and as such, has to go, buh bye.

Stimulus Czar (aka Fox Watching Hen House Czar) Earl Devaney is a former police officer, secret service officer and US Inspector General since 1999. He has led numerous investigations of notoriety, but the Jack Abramoff scandal tops the list. Good man, but still a czar.

Auto Recovery Czar, Edward Montgomery, former Dean of Behavioral Science, elbow deep in recovery money and in charge of the factories that will build our cars. Interesting.

TARP Czar Elizabeth Warren, a contributing blogger to the obama friendly Huffington Post and contributor to the Dr. Phil show. In 2009, Warren co-authored a second study on medically-related bankruptcies, claiming the number of medical bankruptcies had increased to 70%. This study attracted significant national attention and controversy. Economics blogger Megan McArdle noted out that no other studies find this same proportion of medical bankruptcies and that the number of medical bankruptcies is actually falling (though not as rapidly as other bankruptcies). So, by providing Dear Leader with ammunition, albeit, false ammunition for his health care campaign, Elizabeth is given the job of overseeing TARP funds. Nice.

This is the first in a series regarding the czars in the obama White House. I will leave it up to you as to how many of them are loons, communists, anti-capitalists, un-American, or just plain self serving. Keep in mind, the Constitution does not allow for nobility in America, nor does it allow for a governmental structure outside the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Czars are not Constitutional. These clowns must go, even the ones who don’t appear to be ethically or morally challenged. More to come.

Bill Turner
US Western Regional Coordinator
The Patriotic Resistance

Idaho State President
The American Constitution & Capitalism Defense Front

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pro-Obama Cop: Put the sign away!

Officer Cheeks singles out one man who has a poster with the Obama "joker" face on it. He tells the man to put the sign away or he will be arrested for trespassing. There are other protesters allowed, but they have signs with no pictures on them. This happened outside Rep Moran's (D-VA) town hall meeting Tuesday August 25, 2009. H/T Gateway Pundit.

Girl's Night Out--GNO

My daughter convinced me to have fun and we went out to a local Mexican food place. Let's just say we had a Happy Time. :-)

Union Leader Booed out of Tim Bishop's Town Hall

"Congressman Tim Bishop believes he can pack his town halls with sympathetic unions. Is this the face of Obama's supporters? The people of NY District 1 don't buy it! The CWA shirts and other groups were brought to the town hall from outside District 1. Who is John Durso? Why is he trying to upstage this town hall? Wake up America!" More at Gateway Pundit.

Look closely at the red shirts. CWA = Communication Workers of America. Red is SUCH an appropriate color. They stand together for Obama's Red Communist Agenda.

Banned Health Care Ad

See the health care Ad banned by ABC and NBC. 30 seconds of messages unacceptable to our State-Run Media. H/T The Mad Conservative.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rahm, Self-Hating Jew? (Language Warning)

Video from

Our suspicion of the US President extends to his staff, and particularly to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. It was Emanuel, the son of an Israeli father who got Obama's anti-Israel train rolling with his statement to AIPAC members in the spring that the US now links its willingness to do something against Iran's nuclear program to Israel's willingness to bar Jews from building homes in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Emanuel is widely perceived as being a self-hating Jews who is determined to prove himself to Obama by sticking it to Israel".
More at Atlas Shrugged.

Latma, who made the video, explains their use of satire for political purposes: "At Latma it is our belief that by exposing the Israeli media to ridicule through satire, we will help to change the nature of the public discourse in Israel. We will empower the public to question the authority of our media elite. And once their authority is no longer taken for granted, we believe that the Israeli people will bypass the media and develop a relevant, educated, responsible and alternative national discourse on the internet. We believe that such an alternative national discussion is crucial for Israelis to be able to understand and contend with the massive challenges we face as a country and to provide our leaders the tailwind they need to make the difficult decisions these times demand of them."

Note that between 6 and 12% of Israelis think that Obama is pro-Israel.

Czarist Insanity in America--Bill Turner

Joe Walsh sings:

If you look at your reflection in the bottom of a well,
What you see is only on the surface.
When you try to see the meaning, hidden underneath,
The measure of the depth can be deceiving.
The bottom has a rocky reputation
You can feel it in the distance the deeper down you stare.
From up above it's hard to see but you know when you're there.
On the bottom words are shallow.
On the surface talk is cheap.
You can only judge the distance by the company you keep
In the eyes of the CONFESSOR.

B. Hussein Obama, we know about the company you keep. In your case the distance is further than you think. The Confessor knows the depth of the well from which you came and the people know your talk is cheap. This is part two of a look at your czars, the people you said we should judge you by, so let the judgment begin:

Joe Goebbels, Behavioral Science Czar. Okay, so Goebbels is dead and the position is currently vacant, but on July 30th, 2009, at the behest of B. Hussein Obama, Congress held a hearing on the creation of a behavioral science czar to get you to think certain ways. Behavioral science, people. This is a minister of propaganda. Given the fascist nature of the obama regime the contemplation of this position is not a surprise.

Gary Samore, the WMD Czar is supposed to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Samore negotiated the original arms treaty with North Korea, under the Clinton administration. We know how well that worked out.

The Mid-East Peace Czar, George Mitchell, helped prepare for his position with a three year tenure as CEO of Disney. Prior to that he spent the Iran-Contra Hearings haranguing Oliver North for being a Patriot. And, he was the investigator for Major League Baseball, that helped determine that Barry Bond’s Mardi Gras head was caused by steroids.

The Drug Czar, Gil Kerlikowske, was once the Seattle Police Chief. As chief of police in Seattle, he made the decision to not to pursue drug possession charges of Seattleites. His career in the military consisted largely of saluting President Nixon as he stepped onto the presidential helicopter. In 2001 the Mardi Gras Riots in Seattle left 1 dead and 70 seriously injured, because the drug czar did not allow the police to intervene, instead, he had them maintain a perimeter around the riot and let the beatings continue. Kerlikowske resigned his position after interfering in the investigation of two police officers accused of beating a civil rights leader.Apparently the Drug Czar isn’t all that worked up over drugs and is okay with beatings. Nice.

TARP Czar Herb Allison was the CEO of Fannie Mae, from September 2008 until his appointment as the TARP Czar (which is overseeing funds going to Fannie Mae). Mr. Allison is on several boards and advisory councils currently, including Time Warner and the New York Federal Reserve Board. Does this not constitute a conflict of interest and ethics violation?

Jeff Crowley, AIDS Czar receives a salary of $102,000 a year. We have a Secretary of Health & Human Services and a Surgeon General, so what does the AIDS Czar do? Maybe his job has more to do with has background (researcher at the Institute for Health Policy at Georgetown University where he focused on Medicare and Medicaid policy from 2000 to 2009), than with his title? Appearances are more important than fact with B. Hussein Obama.

Government Performance Czar, Jeffrey Zients, has donated over $90,000 to democratic candidates since 1999. He is founder and a managing partner in privately-held Portfolio Logic LLC, an investment firm primarily focused on pediatric healthcare and business services companies, no conflict there, as we try and cram government health care down the Americans throats.

John Holdren, Science Czar is the poster boy for mad scientists. The following is a summary of Mr. Holdren’s crazy ideas:

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not.
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food.
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise.
• People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.

Now, I don’t know what planet Mr. Holdren comes from, or what country he thinks he is in, but this snapshot of his ideology is pretty scary. Why is he allowed anywhere near American public policy? How could B. Hussein Obama possibly think this is a good idea? His appointment alone should be grounds for impeachment, as obama is either crazy or being controlled by someone else who is.

John Brennan, Terrorism Czar, is a very qualified and experienced candidate, who has to go, because czars are un-constitutional.

The Faith Based Czar, Joshua DuBois, a $98,000 dollar a year employee, whose job could be done by the Department of Health and Human Services, is a prodigy of the moral and ethical Charlie Rangel. Given Mr. Rangel’s ethics issues, someone should keep an eye on this guy.

Kenneth Feinberg is the Pay Czar. Mr. Feinberg specializes in negotiating settlements, such as for the Agent Orange lawsuits, asbestos cases, the value of the Zapruder film, and holocaust slave labor settlements. Given the fact that Dear Leader believes he can run everything, including private industry, it does not surprise me that he created this position. I hope each business tells the czar and obama to get lost.

Larry Summers, Economic Czar has a rather illustrious history. He served as Secretary of the Treasury under the Clinton administration. Larry received a vote of “no confidence” from the Harvard faculty when he ran that institution. Apparently Mr. Summers stated that the reason there is an inequality between men and women in the upper echelons of academia is due to "different availability of aptitude at the high end” between men and women. He was also the chief economist for the World Bank. Summers stated, "I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that . . . I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly underpolluted." Does he not know he is in the land of global warming?

Communications Czar on Health Reform, Linda Douglas, was the face behind obama’s snitch on your neighbor if they talk bad about health care plan. So, it is apparent that she is without ethics.

Domestic Violence Czar Lynn Rosenthal, is described by those who fight the domestic violence fight each day, as no advocate for women, rather she is only an advocate for the feminist political viewpoint regarding the issue.

Nancy-Ann DeParle, Health Czar, the $158,000 a year woman. I believe “Health Czar” could have been done by Health and Human Services Secretary. Is this the “efficiencies” in health care that obama talks about? She served as the director of the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) from 1997 to 2000, administering the Medicare program for the Clinton administration. State run media, reported that she was paid more than $6 million, and served as a director of half a dozen companies that faced federal investigations, whistleblower lawsuits and other regulatory actions. Many of these companies have a stake in the health care reform that she is leading. She should fit right in with these clowns.

Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings is a real piece of work. Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) — which sponsored the conference that produced the notorious “Fistgate” scandal (in which young teens were guided on how to perform dangerous homosexual practices including “fisting”). He supports promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as normative to even young students. He made that comment in a New York City church. What is this man doing in the White House? What is he doing in the Department of Education?

Paul Volker is the Economic Czar. He ran the Federal Reserve Board under the patron saint of the liberals, Jimmy Carter and under Ronald Reagan. After leaving the Fed, Volker became an advisor to the man who would become chief of the World Bank. As of October 2006, he was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty, and is a member of the Trilateral Commission. He has had a long association with the Rockefeller family, not only with his positions at Chase Bank and the Trilateral Commission, but also through membership of the Trust Committee of Rockefeller Group, Inc. (RGI), which he joined in 1987. That entity managed, at one time, the Rockefeller Center on behalf of the numerous members of the Rockefeller clan. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the International House in Manhattan, NY. He was a founding member of the Trilateral Commission and is a long time member of the Bilderburg Group.

Afghanistan Czar, Richard Holbrooke, has a colorful history. From February 2001 until July 2008,Holbrooke was a member of the Board of Directors of the now almost bankrupt American International Group (AIG). During his time as a member of the board of directors of AIG the firm engaged in wildly speculative credit default insurance schemes that may cost the taxpayer hundreds of billions to prevent AIG from bringing down the entire financial system. I suppose creating the crisis that gave obama license to push his socialist agenda warrants a cabinet position.

Ron Bloom, Car Czar, was previously the special assistant to the President of the United Steel Workers based out of Pittsburgh since 1996. Before that he worked as a Investment Banker. Apparently being connected through the unions is all you need to be in charge of one of the largest segments of the economy. I wonder if he knows where Hoffa is.

Trade Czar, Ron Kirk, was mayor of Dallas Texas for seven years. Under his leadership, he proposed the "Dallas Plan," a vision for the next 25 years, which included the controversial Trinity River Project, a $246 million plan that called for constructing a network of parks and highways in the flood plain of the Trinity River (building in a flood plain, now there is a resume builder). He is now a partner with the Houston-based law firm Vinson and Elkins, where, according to Texans for Public Justice, he was, as of March 2007, one of the four highest paid lobbyists for Energy Future Holdings Corporation, the group created by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, TPG Capital and Goldman Sachs to acquire TXU. A lobbyist for an energy holdings company in the White House, the land of “no lobbyists” according to Dear Leader.

Scott Gration, Sudan Czar, is holding down a job the State Department has managed just fine for a long time. Scott is a decorated and honored military veteran. Never the less, he is a czar and has to go.

Todd Stern the Climate Czar is holding down a high paid position that was previously managed by the EPA. Another example of obama’s government efficiencies in action. He has acted as the senior White House negotiator at the Kyoto Protocol and Buenos Aires negotiations.

Van Jones, Green Jobs Czar and instigator of a boycott against Glenn Beck, is a fine, upstanding, communist radical. Excerpt from a Nov. 2005 interview in the East Bay Express:

Jones had planned to move to Washington, DC, and had already landed a job and an apartment there. But in jail, he said, "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'" Although he already had a plane ticket, he decided to stay in San Francisco. "I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary." In the months that followed, he let go of any lingering thoughts that he might fit in with the status quo. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist." In 1994, the young activists formed a socialist collective, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, which held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin and dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia. They protested police brutality and got arrested for crashing through police barricades. In 1996, Jones decided to launch his own operation, which he named the Ella Baker Center after an unsung hero of the civil-rights movement.

So, we have a radical, criminal, who is a self avowed communist, radical and militant, bending the ear of the Communist in Chief, obama. With this resume, he couldn’t pass an FBI background check, much less congressional approval. What is this man doing in the White House?

Vivek Kundra is the Information Czar. An IT guru, it is said that Kundra “will play a key role in making sure our government is running in the most secure, open, and efficient way possible”. What I want to know is this: How can the government be “secure” and “open” at the same time? Kundra has made it a priority to focus on the following areas: (1) ensuring openness and transparency, (2) lowering the cost of government, (3) cyber-security, (4) participatory democracy, and (5) innovation. Openness is not exactly a trademark of the obama administration. Eighteen million dollar websites do not exactly lower the cost of government and we do not live in a “democracy”. In order to work in the White House one should have to pass a civics test.

Well, the czars to date have been exposed. Some of them are people of character. All of them are doing jobs that could be done by other departments. And, some of them are just plain scary (Holdren & Jones). None of the czars are allowed under the Constitution of the united States of America. By having a layer of government between Congress and the executive branch usurps congressional authority and violates American citizens rights to equal representation by negating the representative nature of Congress. Czars have fiduciary and regulatory authority that is not granted to the federal government by the Constitution and cannot be delegated by Congress or the executive branch. In essence, they have no right to legally exist and operate. President B. Hussein Obama is in direct violation of the Constitution for his actions in this area. Each member of Congress, and obama are in violation of their oath of office, to protect the Constitution of the united States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The violation of their oaths of office in tantamount to treason and is, at the very minimum, an act of sedition. I encourage each of you to stand up and demand this cease and desist immediately. To do so, send a Petition For Redress Of Grievances ( to your Senators, Representatives, the Republican Caucus, the Democratic Caucus, the President and the Department of Justice (as a criminal complaint).

The arrogance, insanity and criminality of the obama administration must be stopped and it is each of our duties to stop it. You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution. Join with me in being the solution.

Bill Turner
US Western Region Coordinator
The Patriotic Resistance

Idaho State President
The American Constitution & Capitalism Defense Front

Military Humor

A U.S. Marine squad was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an
Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of
the road was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state. The
Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the
squad leader asked the injured Marine what had happened.

The Marine reported, "I was heavily armed and moving north along the
highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We saw each
other and both took cover in the ditches along the road.

I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scum bag who
got what he deserved, and he yelled back that Ted Kennedy is a fat,
good-for-nothing, left wing liberal drunk who doesn't know how to drive.

So I said that Osama Bin Laden dresses and acts like a frigid,
mean-spirited lesbian!

He retaliated by yelling, "Oh yeah? Well, so does Nancy Pelosi!"

"And, there we were, in the middle of the road, shaking hands, when a
truck hit us."

This awesome joke was left in prior comments by CI-Roller Dude, a peace officer and veteran.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trailer-The Fall of Our Republic

The Fall of Our Republic: The presidency of Barack Obama.

News Busted 8/25/09

Better late than never. I was a tad bit busy yesterday and didn't post this.

Rep Miller Responds to Obamacare Supporter

Congressman Gary Miller (R-CA) was confronted last night by a lady who had cancer in the early 1990s. She is now told by her insurance company that she has a preexisting condition, though she has been cancer-free for 15 years. Rep. Miller replies that we need to help the small percentage of people who need it, but that we don't need to ruin health care for ALL. August 25, 2009 Nixon Library East Room.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How Many People with no health care have Cable TV!

A guest at Rep Gary Miller's town hall on August 25, 2009 at the Nixon Library asks "how many people complaining that they don't have health care have cable TV?" She wept as she spoke. "I fear for my children...I fear for my parents" The illegal families of Anchor babies are covered, what about our children that we have been paying for insurance for years!

Air Force Officer Puts Obama in his Place

If the present administration think they can take 500 to 700 billion dollars by cleaning up fraud they should prove it and do it. Get it done. Then see down the road what other changes need to be made. At Gary Miller, R-CA, health care town hall meeting on August 25, 2009 at the Nixon Library.

I went to a town hall tonight, have VIDEO!!!

Can I tell you that I LOVE my congressman???? Truly, he is an awesome representative. The people I sat next to had vetted him as well, not just looking at his website, but searching other websites for his REAL voting record. They found nothing that a conservative could object to. And he spoke lovingly about his wife, who sat in the first row, a cancer survivor.

I sat in the 3rd row. Thanks to a lovely lady who moved her purse for me as I begged for a seat up close. This was great because I was hoping to make high quality You Tube videos and I DID.

This is the first one. Rep. Gary Miller, R-CA, spoke at the Nixon Library tonight to a largely conservative crowd. Out of 500 people, there were maybe 40 liberals, in my estimation. Of course, this is Orange County, CA, and we have a reputation for conservatism.

These are some of Rep. Miller's opening remarks. I will be putting up more videos of the people who asked questions and his responses, so look for more EXCLUSIVE footage.

My Girl--Tuesday Tunes

I think the power of this song lies in our ability to see beyond our present circumstances. "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day" is a powerful concept. Kind of like thinking of My Favorite Things in The Sound of Music, our attitude controls our reaction to the world around us. Pay attention to the world. But don't give up power over your sweet heart.

Citizen's Petition for Redress of Grievances

Pursuant to the Constitution of the united States of America, I, William J. Turner II, submit this petition to Congress and the office of the President of the United States of America, for immediate redress of the grievances listed below. It should be noted that failure to respond to this petition, is, in and of itself a Constitutional violation.

My grievances, as a free and sovereign citizen, bound by and governed by the Constitution of the united States of America are as follows:

1. Our government no longer represents the People: Cap and Trade was passed in the House of Representatives, despite overwhelming public outcry, a violation of equal protection. The office of the President and members of Congress have stated that a health care bill will be passed, regardless of public sentiment.

2. A branch of government, not authorized by the Constitution has been established: The establishment of czars, who exercise fiduciary and regulatory control, without having been elected, vetted, or lawfully funded is in direct violation of the Constitution. Czars are in direct violation of my rights under equal protection and right to be represented by an electorate.

3. Our republic is rapidly transforming into a surrogate plutocracy—a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of wealthy special interests that arrange the continual reelection of representatives who govern as their surrogates: The lack of transparency in the White House, as promised by B. Hussein Obama, in conjunction with the level of media personalities and lobbyists now in the employ of the Obama led White House are a direct violation of the presidents promises and Constitutional authority.

4. The March 2009 federal criminal complaint filed against B. Hussein Obama by retired Naval Commander, Walter Fitzpatrick III has not been investigated or heard before a federal grand jury: The commander states that B. Hussein Obama has formally changed our form of government, by his disregard for the Constitution, and, Obama has, “broken in and entered the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit. Posing as an imposter president and commander in chief, you have stripped civilian command and control over the military establishment. Known military criminal actors – command racketeers – are now free in the exercise of military government intent upon destruction of America's constitutional government.”

5. The use of Air Force One for a photo op constitutes an immense misuse of tax payer resources by POTUS, combined with the illegal email address or data mining done by the White House under the direction and supervision of B. Hussein Obama, followed up with the spamming of American citizens constitutes a willful neglect of responsibility, fiduciary responsibility, and ethics, in that federal laws have been violated and no one has been held accountable.
6. The establishment of an email address for citizens to report other citizens dissent with B. Hussein Obama’s policies and legislation constitutes the establishment of an enemies list and is illegal.

7. President B. Hussein Obama is guilty of sedition and treason for his actions and policies, yet Congress takes no action, making them co-conspirators in this endeavor.

8. The use of the Apollo Foundation, created by one of President Obama’s Czars, an admitted Communist is not only an ethical violation, it is, in and of itself an act of sedition and treason by B. Hussein Obama.

9. The appointment of Elena Kagan to the position of Solicitor General of the united States of America is an act of sedition and treason: Kagan has called military recruiting “discriminatory,” “deeply wrong,” “unwise,” and “unjust.”

10. The firing of corporate CEO’s by POTUS, and the government interferences in and takeovers of the American auto industry and financial industry has no Constitutional authority and is illegal, seditious and indefensible.

11. Failure to hear or move from committee the Ron Paul bill, co-sponsored by over 254 other members of Congress in a willful and intention effort on behalf of the ruling party in Congress to halt legislation that is, of and for the will of the people.

12. The providing of funds to Hamas, the Palestinians and other Islamic groups who openly seek the destruction of America, is another act of sedition and treason.

13. The actions of B. Hussein Obama and Congress have led to the united States of America borrowing over five billion dollars a day: This level of debt, against the will of the people, is a direct threat to state and national sovereignty. POTUS and Congress have sworn oaths to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. By borrowing from foreign lenders, particularly foreign governments that seek the ruination of America is both seditious and treasonous.

I respectfully request that within fourteen calendar days of the receipt of this Petition For The Redress Of Grievances, that these actions cease and desist, and the united States of America be returned to a representative republic, based upon the Constitution and all lawmakers in violation of their oath, in conjunction with POTUS, be removed from their offices by Attorney General and Department of Justice, as this is an official complaint to them as well.

Thank you.

Bill Turner
US Western Regional Director
The Patriotic Resistance

Idaho State President
The American Constitution & Capitalism Defense Front

Monday, August 24, 2009

Liberal Democrat Pat Caddell is at a Loss for Words over Obama's Power Grab

Pat Caddell, a liberal democrat pollster, wonders who is pulling the strings in Washington. He states that Washington, D.C. has made itself an enemy of the people. He wonders how all of the thousand-page-long bills made it into submission so quickly, when most administrations are barely figuring out where the bathrooms are. How did these things pop up, all pulled together. Who wrote them. Is Obama orchestrating everything? Are other organizations orchestrating Obama? H/T RightKlik.

Family Fun Time

In all of this, we must not lose sight of what is really important in life. Our families and loved ones. My 4 youngest boys and I went for a bike ride on Sunday afternoon. Of course, there is good news and bad news. Bad news is, that the little guy with training wheels, the one in the green shirt, went tail over teacups later on when he went too fast down a hill trying to keep up with his big brothers. The good news is that he learned that braking is important. Ah. Life is one big learning lesson, is it not?

And today Grandpa arrived for a few days, so we are thrilled to have a house guest to crawl on and climb over. He he. Grandpa is going to be wishing for peace and quiet when we get through with him.

Unions Poised to Take Over Health Care?

A massive time bomb ticks away, buried in thousands of pages of legislation.

What happens when it explodes?

The forced unionization of hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of doctors, nurses and other health care workers; billions of new forced-dues dollars rolling into Big Labor's coffers; and the union bosses in nearly complete control of your health care.

You see, as bad as what you've already heard about President Obama's health care plan -- the reality may be even worse.

You see, when I saw the videos of union thugs beating down elderly Americans for protesting "Obamacare", I knew something sinister was afoot.

So I called one of the foremost experts on Senate procedure, rules and process. He worked in the Senate for over 30 years! He was respected by most and feared by his opponents.


Because he actually read the bills! He knew the inside game.

But what he uncovered and reported back shocked even me.

I wish it was as simple as a sentence that reads "all health care workers must join or pay dues to a union."

Then, we could trumpet this power grab in a way even the media can't miss, and take out the offending section.

But the forced-unionism scheme is built deep into the very details of the mechanism for "public option," "employer mandates" and "cooperative health care associations."

Simply put, you and I must act today to stop the entire bill.

I'll try to explain in detail what I've uncovered (I've checked with top legal minds to be sure I was right), but I hope and pray right now you will trust me by agreeing to sign the Citizen Mandate opposing the "Obamacare" forced-unionization scheme and make a most generous contribution to your National Right to Work Committee.

You see, "Obamacare" is already increasingly unpopular with working Americans and retirees as they come to understand what it will mean for their health.

And when the American people find out the real story -- how "Obamacare" will give Big Labor control of health care (over 16% of the entire economy) forcing hundreds of thousands of Americans to pay billions into union treasuries -- I believe there will be an uproar unseen in decades that will kill this dangerous bill completely.

You know President Obama is demanding action immediately with Congress back in session.

And seeing Americans rallying in opposition, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are eager to get it done before the entire truth is uncovered.

I received this via email this morning. I hope they are wrong. Is this why the unions are fighting, literally fist fighting with American citizens who criticize this bill? They want to take over 16% of the American economy? They want to OWN all of the doctors and other medical professionals? Their thuggish behavior makes more sense in light of this information. Can the American People stop this power grab? We must stop this bill. NO public option. NO "cooperatives". Even the name "cooperative" gives me the creeps. Marxism creeps toward my door.

If you disagree with this, please prove me wrong. That would make my day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

No Justice for the Dead

He served 8 years for killing 270 people. Is that justice?

Happy Rasmussen Poll Day! -14 Approval

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14. These figures mark the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President. The previous low of -12 was reached on July 30.
More here.

What a great way to start the morning!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Obama's Deal with Big PhRMA

Here is a recording from a liberal show Air America, with liberals wondering if perhaps the Tea Party and townhall protesters are correct. Could government be teaming up with industry for a complete fascist takeover of the USA? Obama apparently met with a disgraced former politician, who now makes millions working for the pharmaceutical companies, agreeing to ask for not more than a 2% savings in drugs with the new Obamacare plan. No wonder the drug companies have not thrown in advertising against the plan. They are completely bought off. And Obama has sold out the American People. He promised in his campaign to try to bring down drug costs to the level of Canada or Mexico. Nope. He will ask for none of these concessions. Because all he wants is his plan. And he doesn't care what he has to do to get it.

I disagree that he is "such a charming liar." This man never charmed me. He gave me the creeps from the very start.
H/T warrantonegirl.

This Marine is on FIRE!

Marine goes nuclear on Democrat Brian "brown shirts" Baird over ObamaCare at town hall meeting on August 18, 2009. H/T hotair.

White House = Lobbyist Organization?

So the White House used a private company, Govdelivery, to distribute the Axelrod emails. And they paid for this spamming with taxpayer funds. The White House insists that Govdelivery was not involved in the "aggregation" only the distribution of the emails. OK. So who did the aggregation, then. Who are they and how were they paid.
Govdelivery sent hundreds of e-mails from senior adviser David Axelrod asking supporters to help rebut criticism of Obama's health care plan circulating on the Internet. It also sent e-mails highlighting Obama's speech to the Muslim world in Cairo and the announcement of Sonia Sotomayor as a Supreme Court nominee.
More here.

I found some comments about this:

Ok all of you Libs out there....notice how this story leaks out on a Saturday so that the coverage is very low...and no one is home on the weekend to even hear about it. At first the White House knew nothing. Then we find out they used TAXPAYER MONEY to promote his communist agenda! All Americans with half of a brain ought to be outraged!!!!!

I want to know where the class-action lawsuits are regarding both the use of taxpayer dollars to support Obama's continuing campaign activities (that have NOTHING to do with governing and should NOT be supported by tax dollars) and the website/email atrocity? Why have no agencies (the ACLU risks terrible damage to it's already fragile credibility if it does not pursue action on both of these issues) or private attorneys with the chops and chutzpah gone after Obama and his propagandists over these egregious misuses of power? Have I somehow transported into some alternate universe where nothing is punishable anymore? Where is the screaming from the same people who were all over George Bush over the illegal wiretaps and elements of the (horribly misnamed) "Patriot" Act? Funny how those folks have disappeared into the ether of hypocrisy. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO STAND UP FOR AMERICANS? Where are the people who are supposed to work within the legal system to protect Liberty and the rule of law? Oh, that's right...the Justice Department is in charge of that. And Obama is in charge of the Justice Department. I understand now. Un-freakin'-believable.

In response to a troll:
You are a text book liberal. You scream at me (ALL CAPS) but you offer no solutions. I am a crazy neo con nut? Do you know me? Do you realize that the government you support wants to control almost every aspect of your life? Do you know what that is called? Totalitarianism. Do you have a job? If you do, is that what you want? You liberals are pushing us down the road to bankruptcy and absolute government control. Congratulations. Do you know what us neo con nuts want? We want the Constitution, the law of the land, to be observed. We want people who work hard to keep most of what they earn and not be forced by some neo Robin Hood to give it to the lazy and the illegal. We want personal responsibility and we want freedom. You, obviously, would prefer to sing from your little gilded cage.

So Obama, who said he was against hiring lobbyists to work in the White House, turns the ENTIRE White House into a lobbying organization? With MY tax money? It is an OUTRAGE!

Friday, August 21, 2009

This toddler has a secret

He can speak. He pretends not to. But he can. Today I heard him.

I was in the kitchen fixing dinner when I heard someone calling for two of my little boys. It was the voice that caught my attention. It was clear and musical like the tinkling of little bells. Whose voice was that. Did I hear that right? It was repeated. I saw that both of my young boys were in the room with me. I moved around the corner and saw my youngest boy, not yet 2, toddling toward me. No way. I whisked him into my arms and tried to get him to say the names again. No dice. He had gone back to his quiet act. But now I'm onto him.

News Busted 8/21/09

High School Boy Makes Tea Party Commercial

From Justin in Alabama.


This is for everyone that cares about our future.

This will inspire you to go ahead-- and be an American!

This resulted from a Mom in Alabama asking her high school son to help with a commercial for the Tea Party she was involved in organizing.

Boy, does it slam the message home. Very impressive. Here is her note:

"I asked Justin if he could help me make a commercial for my group's Tea Party. He sat down at the laptop for about an hour, and then brought this to me and asked, 'is this okay, Mom?'

After I finished watching it, my stomach was in my throat.

Everyone that I have sent it to has really enjoyed it, so I wanted my friends to see it. I am so proud!"

A very powerful video...turn up the sound & sit back...!!!

The Obama Hangover

According to Charlie Cook, a veteran political handicapper, the Dem situation has "slipped completely out of control."

"Many veteran Congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats."

Cook scrupulously avoided any mention that Democratic control of the House is in jeopardy but, noting a new Gallup poll showing Congress’ job disapproval at 70 percent among independents, concluded that the post-recess environment could feel considerably different than when Congress left in August.
more here.

Could it be? Could we be so lucky so see a different kind of congress re-assemble after August? One that moves cautiously, taking the time to carefully represent the views of their constituents? I can only hope.

But I will tell you this. For the second time today in a blog post, I have read a comment where the person said they registered Republican in the last couple of days. One is a comment on the Charlie Cook story linked to above. The other is on a web site iamsorryivotedforobama dot com. This is a fun little site and it is a happy place to spend some time reading that people are indeed changing their mind and waking up from their Kool-Aid-induced comas.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

White House FAIL--Keep the pressure ON

Crowder and Zo at PJTV do a victory dance over recent good news. But they advise we need to stay alert and keep the pressure on. The victories are impressive given that this is the most lopsided government in history. The American People have still been HEARD.

America's Money Pit

If you love America, you throw money in its hole! But seriously now. Can we spend our way to prosperity?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Swiss Banks Secret No More?

You know I love a good adventure/spy novel. On my profile, you can see that I read Robert Ludlum and Tom Clancy. One "given" in those types of books is that a Swiss bank account is a nice, secret place to keep one's money. Can that have changed?

The US blew a hole in Switzerland’s famed bank secrecy on Wednesday as Bern agreed to reveal the names of 4,450 wealthy Americans holding offshore accounts at UBS, the country’s biggest bank.

Washington hailed the deal as a victory in its clampdown on tax evasion and indicated that it would pursue other foreign banks and individual tax “cheats”....

The criteria used to select the names on the UBS list will only be revealed in three months, in a strategy by the IRS to maximise uncertainty and put pressure on more of the bank’s estimated 52,000 US offshore customers to come forward voluntarily. Lawyers said the most likely criterion would be the use of sham companies, allowing tax rule loopholes to be exploited.
More here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Demise of

It sure is great that the "snitch" line into the White House has been dismantled. I am glad to see that the ACLU weighed in against it. Whew. I had feared they were too far gone in the tank for Obama to pay any attention to his totalitarian escapades.

The Axelrod emails are another topic entirely. I first noticed these when reading the blogs in early June. On June 4, 2009 I saw that a number of my fellow bloggers were rattled to find emails from White House Chief Advisor David Axelrod in their inbox. Red at Caught Him With a Corndog dissected her email thoroughly in a blog post here. This was one about the speech Obama gave in Cairo, Egypt. Red was "spammed" again on July 23, 2009 by David Axelrod here, about health care. Here another blogger complains of receiving the second Axelrod email in a week on August 14, 2009. And here is another. I noticed that some of the bloggers involved had email links displayed on their blogger profile pages. Could in be possible that the White House sought out opposition bloggers to target with an email campaign? Could it be that the program expanded until it encompassed Major Garrett at Fox News? (BIG MISTAKE).

News Busted 8/18/09